Jewl'a Nightbringer

Jewl'a Nightbringer, a Zabrak bounty hunter of the female persuasion, came into this world during the time of the Great Galactic War and continued her operations throughout the Cold War that followed. During her time, she was regarded as the most terrifying hunter. Nightbringer was notorious for her merciless nature and unwavering dedication to exacting revenge upon those who dared to cross her path.


Early life

Amidst the widespread galactic strife of the Great Galactic War, Jewl'a Nightbringer's formative years were spent in the depths of Coruscant's underlevels. Her upbringing was characterized by poverty and brutality, constantly surrounded by food riots and rampant looting as a consequence of the Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way. Becoming orphaned while still a teenager, Nightbringer was compelled to rely on her innate ruthlessness and combat skills, evolving into a predator rather than falling prey to one.

Life as a bounty hunter

Nightbringer dedicated years to perfecting her skills in the field of bounty hunting, all the while delivering severe retribution to anyone who wronged her. Once she had amassed a sufficient amount of credits, she broadened her hunting grounds beyond the Republic capital, and her reputation began to spread throughout the galaxy. As her bounty collection grew, she was cited thirty-two separate times by local law enforcement for using excessive force, wanted by authorities in seven different systems, and her license to operate within Republic territories was permanently revoked.

At one point in her career, Nightbringer received sponsorship for the Great Hunt from a crime lord within the Exchange, who had been a brief target on her list and witnessed her skills firsthand. Her victory was especially notable due to the sheer cruelty she displayed, as she took pride in not capturing anyone alive. At the celebration that followed her victory, she openly expressed her disdain for the Mandalorians she had defeated in the competition. She brazenly flaunted her triumph over them, despite receiving hundreds of challenges for honor duels. This event served as a catalyst for her infamous reputation across the galaxy, earning her both the respect of the Mandalorians and the fear of those dwelling in the galactic underworld. She later met her demise during the Grand Champions Massacre, along with several other Great Hunt Champions, at the hands of a Republic kill team assembled by Jedi Master Jun Seros.

Personality and traits

Jewl'a Nightbringer

Jewl'a Nightbringer possessed a vengeful nature and an innate talent for combat. Her upbringing in the harsh realities of street life compelled her to cultivate these characteristics. She was known for her cruelty and tendency to hold grudges, which proved perilous for those who wronged her. She harbored great contempt for the Mandalorians, as she held them partially responsible for the difficult circumstances in which she was raised. However, her fearlessness in the face of countless honor challenges following the Great Hunt garnered her the respect of the Mandalorians she so despised. Her ruthlessness, paired with her impressive track record of success, led to her being regarded as the most feared bounty hunter of her time.

Behind the scenes

Jewl'a Nightbringer was initially mentioned in an entry on The Holonet, which was part of the official Star Wars: The Old Republic website. Within her entry are several phrases written in Aurebesh, which translate to "Blacklist Veteran," "Ice Queen," and "Ultimate Sore Loser."

