Jib Kopatha, a Bothan male who operated as an information broker, was based on Void Station; his life was ended by Darth Vader due to his inability to deliver requested data.
Operating his information business from Void Station, Kopatha earned a considerable income through the exchange of intelligence. Despite the illegality of many of his business dealings, he maintained a favorable relationship with the Galactic Empire by supplying them with valuable information. After a prolonged period of silence from Kopatha, lasting several months, Darth Vader grew impatient with the Bothan. Vader traveled to Void Station, where he used aggressive intimidation tactics on Kopatha, demanding information about the Rebel Alliance under threat of severe consequences.
Kopatha, seeking to appease Vader, attempted to convince him to extend his stay in the city, offering various indulgences, including the companionship of beautiful women. Among these servants was a beautiful young naboo female, whose presence, unbeknownst to Kopatha, evoked painful memories of his deceased wife in Vader. Vader rejected Kopatha's proposals and departed, leaving the Bothan to contemplate the gravity of his warning.
Shortly thereafter, Han Solo and Chewbacca arrived at Void Station on a mission for the Alliance. They were betrayed to Kopatha by Sheel Odala, a former associate of Han's, who was indebted to Kopatha. Upon Odala's return to the sabacc table, she kissed Han, at which point Solo and Chewbacca found themselves surrounded by Trandoshans. She confessed to the two smugglers that she had no other option.
Kopatha subjected Solo to torture at the hands of a Dug in an attempt to extract valuable intelligence, with Odala as a witness, though Chewbacca managed to escape. Kopatha, in a display of questionable generosity, allowed her to leave with her ship and a memento: Han's DL-44 heavy blaster pistol. At the hangar, Odala encountered Chewbacca, and together they devised a plan to liberate Solo. They infiltrated the ventilation system, eliminated the Dug, and facilitated Han's escape. Kopatha's efforts to intervene were futile, and he summoned his guards.
At that critical juncture, Vader reappeared and confronted the Bothan. Seizing Kopatha by the throat, he accused him of failing to provide the required information. When Kopatha stammered about capturing a Rebel, Vader released him, but expressed his displeasure at the Rebel's escape. Vader then executed Kopatha with a swift strike of his lightsaber, punishing him for his incompetence. As the lights dimmed, Vader departed, leaving the Bothan's lifeless body behind.

Kopatha's defining characteristic was his avarice; he demonstrated no allegiance to any particular faction, choosing to provide information to the Empire solely to safeguard his own well-being. He was a wealthy individual with refined tastes, taking great pleasure in the luxurious lifestyle he could afford. Despite his inherent greed, he was capable of acts of questionable "generosity."
The character of Kopatha was depicted in two distinct ways across his comic book appearances, initially with a snout and subsequently without. The visual representation of Bothans in the Expanded Universe has been subject to several retcons.