The **Jiivahar** were a [sentient](/article/sentience/legends) [species](/article/species/legends) that had evolved from [hairless](/article/hair/legends) [primate](/article/primate/legends) ancestors. Their arboreal lifestyle shaped their physical form, granting them exceptional climbing prowess. Their bodies were streamlined, and their [skeletal structures](/article/bone/legends) were composed of lightweight, hollow [bones](/article/bone/legends). Possessing long, flexible [appendages](/article/limb/legends) covered in minuscule gripping points, they also produced a powerful adhesive called [sarvin](/article/sarvin) from their hands and feet, allowing them to adhere to almost any surface.
Originating from [Carest One](/article/carest_1) within the [Inner Rim](/article/inner_rim/legends) Territories, Jiivahar society revolved around small groups known as [talins](/article/talin), typically consisting of five to ten related families. These talins practiced a semi-nomadic existence, freely traversing the [thykar](/article/thykar) [evergreen forests](/article/conifer/legends) during the warmer [seasons](/article/standard_month/legends). However, they would return to simple, permanent settlements during the colder periods. Each year, the talins engaged in a redistribution of possessions during festivals called [Kinn-taas](/article/kinn-taas).
Carest One's stunning forests made it a popular tourist destination. Some Jiivahar, such as [Jannpyr](/article/jannpyr), capitalized on this by offering guiding services. This interaction with [visitors from other planets](/article/planet/legends) brought advanced technology to the Jiivahar, which both fascinated them and disrupted the Kinn-taas-established social balance, as some individuals hoarded these items. Driven by curiosity, some Jiivahar ventured into [the galaxy](/article/the_galaxy/legends). Some joined the [Alliance to Restore the Republic](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic/legends), while others, like the [mercenary](/article/terrorist/legends) [Klevb](/article/klevb), found employment in the criminal underworld.
## Biology and appearance
Evolving from [hairless](/article/hair-legends) [ape-like](/article/primate-legends) [mammals](/article/mammal-legends), the Jiivahar were a [sentient](/article/sentience-legends) [species](/article/species-legends). Their slender, aerodynamic physique was supported by a light frame. This lightness stemmed from their hollow [bones](/article/bone-legends), reminiscent of those of a [bird](/article/bird-legends), which also rendered them vulnerable to injury. Their height ranged from 1.55 to 1.85 [meters](/article/meter-legends), typical for a [humanoid](/article/humanoid-legends) species, but they were relatively more delicate. Their [appendages](/article/limb-legends) were long: two arms and two legs, each terminating in four slender digits capable of completely encircling small [tree](/article/tree-legends) limbs. This gave them a somewhat awkward appearance; however, their supple and flexible bodies were perfectly suited for climbing, enabling them to swiftly navigate the canopies of their [homeworld's](/article/homeworld-legends) towering [thykar](/article/thykar) trees.
The Jiivahar's skull was flattened and elongated, featuring two prominent cones at the rear. Arched grooves adorned the sides of their heads, originating near the front and extending towards the back. They possessed large [eyes](/article/eye-legends), protected by eyelids, lacking pupils, round in shape, and widely spaced apart.
Skin pigmentation in Jiivahar varied geographically, ranging from light [green](/article/green_(disambiguation)) to dark [brown](/article/brown). While appearing smooth, their hairless skin was covered in tiny pockmarks that aided in climbing. Another climbing adaptation was the secretion of [sarvin](/article/sarvin), a sticky substance exuded from the pores of their hands and feet. This substance could adhere to almost any surface, providing enhanced grip for climbing or holding other beings. Jiivahar could also wash away sarvin through controlled perspiration. Although omnivorous, their primary diet consisted of large [vine-nuts](/article/vine-nut) and sweet berries from the [trarra](/article/trarra_berry) plant.
## Society and culture
### Social structure
Jiivahar society exhibited minimal formal organization. The [talin](/article/talin), a collection of five to ten families, represented the largest social unit. While resembling a formal tribe or clan, membership was flexible and not strictly familial. Individuals could freely join or leave a talin at any [time](/article/time-legends). The talins were semi-nomadic, spending most of the year in the tree canopies, following seasonal changes. However, during the cold season, they returned to basic, permanent settlements near [water](/article/water-legends) sources such as [lakes](/article/lake), [rivers](/article/river), and [oceans](/article/ocean-legends). These settlements consisted of [wooden](/article/wood-legends) huts insulated with bark and thick leaves, where they stored their possessions.
alt="The Jiivahar were arboreal."
The Jiivahar were arboreal.
Talins could have one or more leaders. These positions were not hereditary or elected, but rather assigned to individuals with the most wisdom or experience. These leaders held no official title or regalia and were generally considered equal to other talin members. Their limited authority extended to calling festivals and resolving disputes. Their decisions were not binding; leaders relied on persuasion and the respect of their peers.
This leadership style was partly due to the absence of a written legal system. Instead, Jiivahar society operated on basic guidelines emphasizing community focus, requiring individuals to act in the community's best interest and respect the rights and well-being of others. Jiivahar who violated these guidelines were physically branded and expelled from the talin. The introduction of [offworld](/article/planet-legends) technology strained these guidelines, leading to instances of theft.
Jiivahar society was egalitarian, fostered by the peaceful and largely predator-free environment of their homeworld. To address wealth disparities, they redistributed personal goods annually during festivals called [Kinn-taas](/article/kinn-taas). Called by talin leaders, Kinn-taas relied on social pressure, rather than law, to compel Jiivahar to donate as many goods as possible to the leaders. The leaders then redistributed these goods based on need, leveling wealth within the talin. The more an individual contributed during Kinn-taas, the greater their prestige and respect.
### Characteristics
The Jiivahar were a peaceful species, striving for both inner and societal harmony. Their inherent curiosity drove them to seek out new experiences. The lack of native predators meant the Jiivahar never developed a strong sense of caution or suspicion. As a result, they were often overly trusting during encounters with non-Jiivahar, leading to exploitation by [smugglers](/article/smuggler-legends) and [gamblers](/article/gambling-legends).
Jiivahar possessed limited advanced technology, primarily consisting of hand-powered tools for [fishing](/article/fish-legends) and foraging. They developed few weapons. Their clothing varied, ranging from simple loincloths to pants and [tunics](/article/shirt) with visible stitching. Accessories included toe [rings](/article/ring-legends), [bracelets](/article/bracelet-legends), and [piercings](/article/piercing-legends). Some also carried shoulder bags.
## History
alt="A map of the Carest system and surrounding Inner Rim space."
A map of the Carest system and surrounding Inner Rim space.
The Jiivahar evolved from an ape-like species inhabiting the forests of [Carest One's](/article/carest_1) northern continents, the first planet in the [Carest system](/article/carest_system). Their homeworld was located in the northeastern [Inner Rim](/article/inner_rim-legends) Territories, close to the [Vaathkree Trade Corridor](/article/vaathkree_trade_corridor-legends) and the [Obroa-skai system](/article/obroa-skai_system-legends). The absence of predators fostered a peaceful society, interrupted only by two wars during times of severe scarcity. By the time of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war-legends), the Jiivahar population on Carest One numbered in the millions, though their offworld presence was limited.
Carest One's giant [evergreens](/article/conifer-legends) could reach heights of 150 meters. These lush forests teemed with wildlife, their populations regulated by the massive storms that occurred roughly every ten years. This environment became a popular vacation destination, leading to contact with the Jiivahar. Tourism became the planet's largest industry, and many Jiivahar, like the renowned [tour guide](/article/tour_guide-legends) [Jannpyr](/article/jannpyr), found success as guides for offworld visitors.
Tourists introduced advanced technology, which was acquired by individual Jiivahar. These items were highly prized and considered "wonders." Some Jiivahar refused to contribute these items to the annual Kinn-taas, leading to theft and straining the community-oriented values of Jiivahar society. Furthermore, some Jiivahar outcasts acquired advanced weaponry from offworlders, using it to [terrorize](/article/terrorist-legends) Jiivahar talins.
## Jiivahar in the galaxy
Driven by their natural curiosity, many Jiivahar left their homeworld in search of adventure. These individuals typically traveled extensively, visiting numerous worlds. Their inquisitiveness occasionally led to trouble, sometimes fatally, particularly with [Wookiees](/article/wookiee-legends), [Houks](/article/houk-legends), and other short-tempered species. Some Jiivahar joined the [Alliance to Restore the Republic](/article/alliance_to_restore_the_republic-legends), viewing the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire-legends) as oppressive and contrary to their values. These Jiivahar served as [pathfinders](/article/pathfinders-legends) and [wilderness fighters](/article/wilderness_fighters). [Klevb](/article/klevb), an outcast, became a mercenary terrorist.
## Behind the scenes
The Jiivahar were conceived by [Trevor J. Wilson](/article/trevor_j._wilson) and [Craig Robert Carey](/article/craig_robert_carey) for their article [Alien Encounters](/article/alien_encounters_(article_series)) in [Star Wars Adventure Journal 14](/article/star_wars_adventure_journal_14), published by [West End Games](/article/west_end_games) in [1997](/article/1997). [Pablo Hidalgo](/article/pablo_hidalgo) provided the illustrations for the Jiivahar in this article. Much of this material was reproduced, with some modifications, in the sourcebook _Alien Encounters_, published in [1998](/article/1998). The Jiivahar were also featured in [2008](/article/2008)'s _The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia_.
In the West End Games [roleplaying game](/article/roleplaying_game), Jiivahar are provided with statistics for player character creation. They are physically weaker than Humans and possess reduced aptitudes for technical, mechanical, and knowledge-based skills. However, they are slightly more dexterous than the average Human.
## Sources
- " [Alien Encounters](/article/alien_encounters_(article_series)) " — [Star Wars Adventure Journal 14](/article/star_wars_adventure_journal_14) (First appearance)
- _Alien Encounters_
- _The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia_
## Notes and references
- Related categories:
- [Jiivahar](/article/category:jiivahar)
- [Jiivahar](/article/category:jiivahar)