Jogan fruit tart

A tart crafted using jogan fruit was known as a jogan fruit tart, or more concisely, a jogan tart. During his time within the Undervaults of Gwongdeen, Hondo Ohnaka came across a blue tray filled with several of these tarts. Helping himself to some, he inadvertently drew the attention of a Kyuzo person. Aware of the Kyuzo's fierce temperament, Ohnaka extended a friendly smile and presented a jogan tart to the individual; however, the offer was declined with a turn of the head. Subsequently, Mahjo Reeloo, whom he was actively trying to evade, almost caught sight of him, prompting him to create a diversion by scattering the jogan tarts. He then aligned himself with the Kyuzo, using the tray as a disguise, in a way reminiscent of the war helmets the Kyuzo often used. This ruse appeared successful, and Ohnaka, noticing the last Kyuzo in the group, attempted to offer him a tart, only to discover that the tray was completely bare.

