
Judd, a Jedi Master of the male persuasion, was a member of the Jedi Order during the closing years of the Galactic Republic. Furthermore, Judd wielded a lightsaber pike with a single blade that glowed blue.


A male Jedi Master, Judd was in service to the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end. At some point during his service, he suffered broken bones. It was around 20 BBY, at the height of the Clone Wars, that the Jedi High Council discovered that Darth Maul, a Sith Lord, had survived his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi over a decade earlier, and that he had formed an alliance with his younger brother, Savage Opress, another Sith.

Upon learning that Ja'Boag, the leader of Rim Commercial Mining, had placed a bounty on Maul and Opress, the Jedi Council tasked Judd, along with Salmara, another Jedi Master, and her Padawan, Dray, with investigating the reasons for the bounty. Judd inquired about their course of action if they located the dark side brothers, and Yoda informed him that Kenobi was already tracking them, but they should offer assistance if possible. Mace Windu also tasked Judd and his companions with discovering why the native people of Moorjhone had gone silent since the arrival of Ja'Boag's mining company. Windu advised Judd and the others to trust in the Force and act accordingly.

Maul and Opress also made their way to Moorjhone, arriving before the Jedi and slaughtering the security forces, as well as flinging Ja'Boag from a balcony. The Jedi arrived just in time, and Salmara used the Force to catch Ja'Boag, saving his life. As Judd activated his lightsaber, the two Dathomirian Zabrak brothers looked down upon them—Opress was worried about being discovered, while Maul was pleased to be found by Jedi.

After Salmara rescued Ja'Boag, the Gossam commanded his troops to attack, but Salmara instructed them to wait. She then attempted to negotiate with the Sith brothers, asking them to surrender. Opress responded by threatening them all with death, and Judd sarcastically praised Salmara's "good diplomacy". The Nightbrothers then attacked, slaughtering Ja'Boag's troopers. Judd intervened, clashing his lightstaff against their blades. Maul swiftly struck Judd's snout with his lightsaber hilt, causing blood to splatter. Judd responded with a smile, relishing the challenge of facing a formidable warrior. He surprised the two Zabraks by knocking Opress onto his back and deflecting Maul's counterattack. He then taunted Maul about his missing legs, but Opress unleashed his rage, knocking both combatants away.

Salmara hurled a large container at Opress, and despite Maul's warning, he carelessly lashed out, opening the container—which was filled with carbonite. Opress was instantly frozen solid, much to Maul's dismay. Judd again mocked Maul for his cybernetic enhancements, but Maul retaliated, seizing Judd's right arm in his foot and breaking it. Maul then remarked that he would have preferred to prolong Judd's death, but was suddenly stabbed from behind by Dray. Maul slashed at Dray, severed both of Dray's hands, and tossed them aside. Salmara and the corporate troopers pursued Maul, but he managed to escape by collapsing the tunnel upon his pursuers.

Later, Judd and Dray were in a medical bay, where Doctor Tresfor had encased Judd's arm in bacta. Tresfor had successfully reattached Dray's hands and submerged the boy in a bacta tank. Judd commented on Dray's bravery in facing Maul, one of the most feared beings in the galaxy, and then asked the doctor about the missing population of the planet. Tresfor attempted to avoid the question, but Judd persisted. He surmised that the native species was being mistreated, and Tresfor quietly confirmed this without providing details. When Judd became angry, stating his dislike for cryptic messages, the doctor pointed out that the Day of Three Suns was approaching.

Judd confronted Maul at the entrance of the mining facility. He presented Judd with an ultimatum: either stop the Sith Lord then and there, which would perpetuate the ongoing massacre and lead to their final destruction during the Day of Three Suns, or save the clashing armies outside at the cost of allowing him to free his brother and escape. Judd chose the latter, vowing that the Jedi Order would inevitably track down and put an end to Maul's bloody reign over the Outer Rim, regardless of the events on Moorjhone. Judd bravely stepped into the line of fire, using the Force to keep the blast door open, allowing the Moorjhoni and clone troopers to escape the suns' blazes. It was during this moment that the Moorjhoni recognized Judd as the true "Demon in the Light"; as the beams of the three suns descended upon them, the Jedi Master, while burning alive, used his remaining strength to telekinetically propel General Kenobi and the remaining clones through the closing blast door, sacrificing his own life to save the Moorjhoni from complete destruction.

