The 16th of June marks the 167th day in a standard year, and the 168th day in a leap year, leaving 198 days until the year concludes.
- In 1938, Michael Culver entered the world.
- In 1949, Kale Browne was born.
- Bong Dazo's birth occurred in 1962.
- James Patrick Stuart was born in 1968.
- The final issue of As Long As We Live... was released in 1980.
- 1981 saw the release of Star Wars (1977) 51.
- Olivia Hack was born during 1983.
- Vitas Varnas was born in 1992.
- The Star Wars: Episode I Racer: Prima's Official Strategy Guide saw publication in 1999.
- 2004 was the year Ultimate Adversaries was published.
- The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Demon trade paperback was released in 2010.
- In 2010, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: In Service of the Republic trade paperback was also published.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars received two Daytime Emmys at the 40th Daytime Emmy Awards in 2013.
- Star Wars Jedi Training Lightsaber Sound Book came out in 2020.
- Star Wars (2020) 14 was published in 2021.
- The High Republic Adventures (2021) 5 also saw publication in 2021.