
title: K'thri

Originating from the Old Republic era, K'thri represents a historical martial arts discipline. It possessed a character quite distinct from the Echani style. Instead of relying on forceful and aggressive actions, K'thri emphasized rapid motions, flowing attacks, and exceptionally well-controlled steps to preserve the form's accuracy. Given its primary application in athletic competitions by martial arts experts, K'thri incorporated numerous showy techniques and actions intended to captivate spectators as much as to harm adversaries, which sometimes reduced its effectiveness.


Attack Flurry

K'thri emphasized the delivery of numerous rapid-fire attacks, utilizing graceful movements to overwhelm adversaries with a barrage of strikes within a compressed timeframe. This involved unleashing a storm of attacks, powered by the K'thri practitioner's leg strength, resulting in a relentless series of impacts.

Rain of Blows

A skilled K'thri combatant could unleash an incredible volume of attacks in the blink of an eye, striking repeatedly with refined, fluid techniques that destabilized and confused their foes through the sheer volume of blows.

Successive Strikes

With each successful strike following the initial impact, the damage inflicted upon a focused area escalated progressively. By concentrating their attacks with lethal precision, utilizing a combination of hand and leg movements, the K'thri practitioner could unleash a torrent of debilitating blows upon their opponent's vulnerabilities.

