K-9 series hunting-and-tracking droid

The K-9 series hunting-and-tracking droid, produced by Cybot Galactica, represented a line of droids designed for hunting purposes. Resembling a canine in form, these droids were comparable in size to a juvenile Krayt dragon and possessed a dog-like appearance.

Measuring approximately forty centimeters in length, the K-9 droid, despite its intention to mimic a dog in both looks and actions, featured a somewhat boxy design. Visual depictions of the K-9 droid suggest that, while equipped with four legs, its primary mode of locomotion involved a compact array of repulsorlift coils situated on its lower surface.

K-9 units were operated via voice commands and could be programmed to respond exclusively to designated individuals, such as their owner. This model incorporated standard recording features, encompassing both audio capture and flatscreen video recording, with the capability to project recorded images from its optical sensors onto a flat surface, such as a wall, for playback. Nevertheless, the series lacked the capacity for holorecording or playback.

A concealed compartment on the K-9's rear housed a DNA-sample reader. When activated by an individual with the appropriate authorization, this reader would trigger the opening of a hidden panel located elsewhere on the droid's chassis. This concealed hatch was difficult to detect and resistant to penetration by the majority of sensor scans. Consequently, these droids proved valuable for securely storing items that the owner wished to keep hidden, such as a lightsaber.

