Kaarror, a Wookiee male with pale fur, existed as a slave, a lawbreaker, and a bounty hunter according to legends.
Hailing from Kashyyyk, Kaarror, while still young, was ensnared by an unknown slaver's grasp. He was transported aboard a vessel to a different world. There, Kaarror was forced into gladiatorial combat, battling fellow slaves for the amusement of their captors, receiving sustenance and monetary compensation for his participation. His enslavement led him to travel extensively on various starships.
During these journeys, Kaarror encountered an alien businessman named Phylus Mon. Phylus Mon had placed wagers on Kaarror's fights and won a sum of credits. This led Phylus Mon to feel compassion for Kaarror. Eventually, once Kaarror reached adulthood at two meters tall, Phylus Mon purchased the Wookiee's freedom.
However, likely around this time, Phylus Mon implanted an explosive device near Kaarror's heart. This device was designed to detonate and kill Kaarror if Phylus Mon were to die for any reason. The bomb could be disarmed by an ion weapon, but Phylus Mon prohibited any ion weaponry aboard his ship, the Animiasma. This mechanism served as a security measure that Phylus Mon employed with all of his slaves. Simultaneously, Phylus Mon compensated his slaves, preferring to refer to them as employees, yet they all understood that leaving Phylus Mon's service would result in their death.
Now a free individual, Kaarror encountered a Wookiee criminal syndicate known as the Kalmec, and integrated himself into their ranks, quickly ascending within the organization. As with every member of the Kalmec, Kaarror shaved the fur from his shoulders. As a Kalmec member, Kaarror supervised the transportation of spice throughout the galaxy. He derived a sense of irony from witnessing the downfall of wealthy individuals due to their own vices. Kaarror also engaged in extortion, gambling, and murder, having defeated at least six Jedi warriors and selling their lightsabers on the black market.
As a murderer of galactic proportions, Kaarror was infamous for his uncontrollable fury, piercing gaze, and masterful wielding of the vibro-ax.
Around 20 BBY, Phylus Mon contacted Kaarror with a job proposition that he felt compelled to accept (Kaarror was evidently aware of Phylus Mon's harsh treatment of those who deserted him). Phylus Mon tasked Kaarror with traveling to the Cularin system alongside other of Phylus Mon's subordinates for an undisclosed mission. Kaarror readily agreed, as he sought to avoid involvement in the burgeoning Clone Wars.
Kaarror was displeased with the companions Phylus Mon had selected for the journey: a bizarre-looking Spiner, a repulsive Human, and particularly a Wookiee-hating Trandoshan named Gorak. The surreptitious Barabel within the group was apparently a renowned bounty hunter in Phylus Mon's employ, prompting Kaarror to treat him with deference. Despite his desire to trust Phylus Mon's team selection, Kaarror harbored insufficient trust in the Trandoshan to allow her to remain behind him. Similarly, Kaarror was regarded with suspicion by the other members of the team.
Kaarror and his fellow minions launched an assault on the Almas Sith fortress located in the Cularin system. Six Jedi were guarding the fortress's entrance, but Phylus Mon dispatched a force of no fewer than thirteen minions, including his Wampa bodyguard, Ku-Kak. Phylus Mon's team eliminated four of the Jedi and subdued the remaining two, despite Gorak and Kaarror exchanging insults throughout the battle from opposite sides of the battlefield.
Within the fortress, Phylus Mon initiated a Sith ritual aimed at transforming Kaarror and the others into Sith battlelords: Following a perilous, life-threatening procedure, they were intended to emerge as formidable military commanders capable of utilizing Force powers to quell insubordination among their troops. However, the ritual malfunctioned: Kaarror and the other prospective Battlelords were divested of their Force essences, which were to be stored within a large crystal.
Phylus Mon departed the fortress with the crystal, leaving behind Kaarror and the other emptied bodies. These bodies were later discovered by a search party dispatched by the Jedi from the Almas Academy. The bodies were transported to the Academy, where the Jedi endeavored to recover the lost essences and restore them to their former state.
Within the A Mon Alone game, a player character can, at a specific juncture, inhabit this non-player character's body and utilize Kaarror's statistics until either his essence is liberated (signifying Kaarror's essence returning to Kaarror's body and the PC's essence returning to the PC's unconscious body), or Kaarror's body perishes in combat. The narrative explains that some of the concluding scenes are fraught with peril, potentially resulting in the demise of the player characters, which could lead to player dissatisfaction.