Kaernor's Smile

Kaernor's Smile, situated on the planet Tilnes, was a sizable abyss. The chasm's walls contained minerals that disrupted the power systems of spacecraft attempting to traverse it, causing them to crash into the depths below. This extensive fissure stretched for almost 40 kilometers, reached a width of nearly 2 kilometers at its widest point, and descended to a depth exceeding one kilometer.

Regarded as impure and defiled, the Smile appeared devoid of any life. Individuals who chose to sleep in proximity to Kaernor's Smile experienced a recurring dream filled with combat and brutality. In this dream, two enigmatic, shadowy figures would suddenly recognize the observing dreamer and turn their forces against them, resulting in a deeply disturbing awakening. Nevertheless, given that these dreams had been recorded across numerous generations dating back to 32 BBY, certain individuals proposed that they were the result of a cultural narrative influence.

The dark side may have had a strong presence within the Smile. Despite this, Jedi in the vicinity detected no dark side corruption there, even though they were acquainted with such locations due to the presence of the nearby Almas Sith fortress.

Its designation came from Kaernor Belasstie, a miner who vanished within its confines.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide
  • "Tilnes Falling" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
