
Kailion served as the primary port planet for the 77 Sectors. Notably, the Kailion caves were situated on this planet.

The Sheyasti Trade Syndicate conducted operations on this planet during the time of the Clone Wars. A Jedi squad, headed by Master Dajjun alongside his Padawan, Karii, was sent to Kailion. Their mission was to secure a droid that could demonstrate the Syndicate's involvement in smuggling resources to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After obtaining the droid, they had to battle various creatures within the Kailion caves as they fled.


  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (Initial mention)
  • "Peril in the Kailion Caves" (original article link) at Wizards.com (content is now outdated; archived link provided)

Notes and references
