Kal'Falnl C'ndros, sometimes shortened to Kal Fal, functioned as a female merchant of the Quor'sav species.
Standing at a height of 3.5 meters, Kal'Falnl C'ndros operated as an independent pilot. Her considerable stature necessitated the acquisition of a uniquely constructed vessel, the Shelltooth, featuring hallways designed to accommodate her size. She had a reputation as a fiercely protective maternal figure, extending her care not only to her own offspring but also to her customers and companions, notably the Bimm merchant Rycar Ryjerd. Kitik Keed'kak, a female Yam'rii, with greedy motivations, stole her clutch of eggs.
Following his rescue at a layover on Yuvern, C'ndros provided instruction in starship piloting to the youthful Yuvernian named Cane Adiss. They journeyed to numerous planets before parting ways on Tatooine.

During the time that Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were in the process of selling Luke's used X-34 landspeeder to the Vuvrian being Wioslea, she was present, wandering the streets of Mos Eisley.
C'ndros was among the smugglers who were contacted by Mal Biron with the task of transporting a series of enigmatic packages from Sriluur to a destination that was not disclosed. As the only member of the Shelltooth's crew, she felt at a disadvantage and sought assistance from other smugglers also contacted by Biron. It is not known if they helped her, but C'ndros was among the first to arrive at the initial rendezvous point, situated near the Novolek Beacon.
The pair of legs that were seen in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope remained without a name until 1995, when Decipher's Premiere Limited set of cards for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game officially identified them as belonging to Kal'Falnl C'ndros, who is a member of the Quor'sav species.