The Kalduu constituted a race of sentient beings that originated from the planet Ropagi II.
Possessing see-through bodies, the Kalduu exhibited four appendages resembling tentacles that descended from their dome-shaped main body. Their respiration involved inhaling carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Reproduction in Kalduu occurred through a process of fission. Lacking the physical means for vocalization, the Kalduu utilized telepathic means for communication. When two or more Kalduu were in proximity, specifically within 60 meters of each other, they could establish a collective consciousness. This shared mental state could extend to their hosts, frequently Ropagu, with whom they shared a longstanding bond of friendship. The Kalduu consumed atmospheric bacteria, along with pathogens and viruses present within their hosts.
- Twin Stars of Kira (Initial appearance)
- Alien Encounters