Kaminoan nano-virus

The Kaminoan Nano-Virus, a type of Nanogene virus, was engineered by Kuma Nai, a Kaminoan who sided with the Separatists, with the intention of eliminating all clone troopers. Some months following the Battle of Geonosis, Jedi Knights Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura uncovered the virus while stationed on Kamino, after encountering a deceased squad of clone troopers. Upon verification of the lethal virus, Lama Su, the Prime Minister of Kamino, instructed Sayn Ta, a Clone Master, to develop a vaccine to safeguard the clone army. Fisto and Secura located and eliminated the traitor, but were unable to prevent the death of Sayn Ta. Following Ta's demise, the remaining cloners administered the vaccine to all clones.

