Katarn-class boarding shuttle

The Katarn-class boarding shuttle, measuring 28 meters in length, was engineered by Rendili StarDrive and featured an airlock at its front. Its capacity included a crew of 3, up to 50 troops, and 500 kilograms of gear.


A side view

Due to its reinforced construction, the shuttle was capable of colliding with opposing ships. Plasma torches, positioned around the airlock, could then create an opening, which the airlock would then seal against. In under two minutes, boarding parties could enter the targeted ship.

The sole offensive capability of the Katarn-class was a single double laser cannon located at its bow.


During their time within the Imperial fleets, Katarn-class shuttles were frequently assigned to Nebulon-B frigates.

The Katarn was deployed in boarding operations by both SpecForce Marines and Imperial Navy troopers.


  • Pirates & Privateers
  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
  • The Far Orbit Project

Additional Information
