Keog Boorn

title: Keog Boorn

Around 19 BBY, Keog Boorn, a male scout, explored uncharted territories within the Sluis sector. Serving both the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire, he observed the Empire provided superior compensation. Boorn looked into a potential beckon call signal originating from the planet Dagobah; while exploring the swamps, a howl from near a cave straddled by a tree frightened Boorn, causing him to flee.


Roughly a year following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Keog Boorn, an experienced scout, was employed by the newly established Galactic Empire to secure the worlds of the Sluis sector. When his sensors detected unusual signals during his second survey of the swamp world Dagobah, he adhered to his Imperial contract, which mandated landing and further investigation in such instances. He discovered a cave within a dark, twisted tree deep within the swamps, seemingly the source of the signals. However, before he could enter, a terrifying scream filled Boorn with dread. Overwhelmed with fear, he abandoned the planet without further investigation, recording in his report (exploration report SS-176.01) that the planet was barren and uninhabited. Consequently, Dagobah remained a secure refuge for Grand Master Yoda, who was being hunted by the Empire.

