
Keresia was a celestial body discovered in the Keresia system, situated in the Demetras sector, which is a part of both the Outer Rim Territories and the Trans-Hydian regions of the galaxy. An astronomical object, Keresia existed within this system.

The Galactic Empire utilized the sliideptra, an annelidian species native to Tel IV in the Halthor sector, for chemical weapon research. These experiments resulted in a paralytic grain mold that devastated Keresia. A holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum located on Chandrila referenced the ultimate destiny of this planet.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Keresia occurred in Creatures of the Galaxy, a sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released in 1994 by West End Games. The 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, established the location of the Keresia system, and thus Keresia itself, within grid square P-7.


  • Creatures of the Galaxy (Initial mention)

Notes and references
