
Kestal, a pilot with the Imperial forces holding the rank of Lieutenant, flew a TIE/AG Aggressor starfighter in the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Kestal once executed a mission on a dry world marked by red cliffs, during which she navigated her starfighter through the landscape, flying both above and below the rock formations.

Personality and traits

Due to her exceptional piloting abilities, Kestal distinguished herself from other high-ranking pilots, leading to her selection for training on the costly and versatile TIE Aggressor starfighter. Within the Imperial Navy, she became recognized as one of the most fiercely competitive and gifted Aggressor pilots.


  • Explore the Aggressor on Fantasy Flight Games' webpage (backup link)
  • Obtain the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game — TIE Aggressor Expansion Pack (Card: Lieutenant Kestal — TIE Aggressor)
  • Acquire the Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Galactic Empire Conversion Kit (Card: Lieutenant Kestal — Innate Deadeye — TIE/ag Aggressor)

Notes and references
