The Kian'thar, hailing from Shaum Hii, were a humanoid nomadic group renowned for their extraordinary ability to perceive the emotions of others. Despite their evolutionary origins as land-based reptiles, their culture was deeply intertwined with the seas and oceans of their homeworld. Their integration into the galactic civilization was delayed until approximately 300 BBY because of the navigational challenges posed by the Tragan Cluster and the Bakisian Drift. Ultimately, Shistavanen scouting parties, mapping the cluster, made the initial contact.

Standing between 1.8 and 2.1 meters in height, Kian'thar were generally considered humanoids. Their heads were a distinctive purplish-pink hue, and their necks were protected by plates of keratin. They possessed large eyes that were set deep within their sockets. A particularly noticeable characteristic was the presence of two tentacle-like organs used for olfactory purposes, which dangled from their faces.
The Kian'thar's emotion-sensing ability was their most defining trait. This capacity was used to de-escalate potential conflicts, although some less ethical Kian'thar exploited it to manipulate others and instigate disagreements. This ability was effective even on individuals who were not Kian'thar. Although this made Kian'thar highly sought after on various planets, many non-Kian'thar were cautious of the Kian'thar's empathic talents.
Around the year 300 BBY, Shistavanen scouts made first contact with the Kian'thar. A significant number of Kian'thar enthusiastically embraced this connection to the broader galaxy, aspiring to achieve fame and fortune. Between 278 BBY and 211 BBY, they made unsuccessful attempts to establish a colony on Bestine IV, but the planet's inhospitable environment thwarted their efforts. By the time of the Imperial era, almost two million Kian'thar had ventured off-world in pursuit of prosperity, frequently utilizing their empathic skills as mediators or counselors. These Kian'thar were known for their wanderlust and strong work ethic. Notable Kian'thar emigrants included Rebel operative Kkral'Nas, MadisCorp mediator Ttul'Thar, and the criminal figure Llleag'Mak.

Kian'thar typically resided in small settlements located near marshes and coastal areas. Their primary economic activity revolved around the ranching of derlacs, large herbivorous creatures that populated the oceans of Shaum Hii. These herds roamed freely, and each Kian'thar family marked the derlacs belonging to their specific herd to prevent confusion when it was time for market. Derlac herders traveled on bentails, large flying beasts. Kian'thar ranchers often formed strong bonds with their mounts.
Even after contact with the Shistavanen, their technological advancement remained relatively limited. Aquatic speeders were uncommon on their home planet, and most Kian'thar expressed a lack of interest in more advanced technologies like droids. However, not all Kian'thar were isolationists; they were divided into two factions: the Iith'lon, or Preservers, and the Lllun, or Progressives. The Iith'lon sought to maintain their traditional way of life, while the Lllun advocated for greater integration into the galactic community. The disagreements between these two factions rarely escalated beyond debates over cups of oceanroot.