Kinetic communication

Kinetic communication, a complex language of gestures, was used by the Lorrdians, a Human society originating from the planet of Lorrd.

This language emerged from the need to communicate during the Kanz Disorders, a period when the Lorrdians were enslaved by the Argazdans. Because the Argazdans prohibited the Lorrdians from speaking, they were compelled to use subtle gestures, facial expressions, and postures to communicate. This allowed them to organize guerrilla strikes against their oppressors. Over the centuries of enslavement, kinetic communication evolved into a complex and nuanced language. As a result, the Lorrdians cultivated the ability to precisely interpret body language, discerning moods and intentions from the slightest cues.

Even after their liberation, the Lorrdians continued to develop and pass down kinetic communication to subsequent generations. Although Garik "The Face" Loran was born on Pantolomin, his family spent enough time on Lorrd for him to acquire kinetic communication. This skill proved advantageous in his career as a holodrama actor, enabling him to convincingly portray emotions, and also during his service with the New Republic's Wraith Squadron. Ido Glayyd was another individual not from Lorrd who possessed an understanding of kinetic communication, which she learned through a Lorrdian tutor in her childhood.

