
Kirtania served as the original home for the Araquia, a race of peace-loving, spider-like beings. Schnil Hakoon, a Kubaz crime lord, made the planet his base of operations, centering his criminal activities in Kinkosa City.


Located in the Nembus sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Kirtania was the fourth planet orbiting the star Yyrta within the Yyrtan system. Its location on a trade route made it a significant location during the Galactic Civil War. The blue-green planet, characterized by notable cloud coverage, featured a diverse range of terrains and climates, including arctic regions, deserts, mountains, and plains. Kirtania was particularly known for its lush tropical jungles and woodlands, abundant with trees that yielded valuable luxury hardwoods. As a terrestrial planet, Kirtania possessed a breathable [atmosphere](/article/atmosphere-legends], standard gravity, and a moderate climate. Its days were 23 standard hours long, and its year consisted of 369 local days.

As the original homeworld of the Araquia species, Kirtania later became inhabited by Humans and other species. The population consisted of approximately 2 million Humans and 10,000 aliens, significantly outnumbering the 1,500 native Araquia. The planet was divided into three economically competitive states: Dulai, Kinkosa, and Surana. Kinkosa City was the central hub of the Kinkosa state. The planet's economy relied on exporting medicines, raw materials, and metals, while importing advanced technology.

Kirtania was known for experiencing frequent rainfall. During the rainy season, rain persisted throughout the day and night. In contrast, the dry season saw rain limited to the afternoon and early evening hours. Substantial portions of the planet remained uninhabited.


Originally inhabited by the Araquia, whose numbers reached into the thousands, Kirtania faced disruption when Human and alien colonists arrived, impacting the Araquia's natural environment. A misunderstanding arose between the two groups, leading to the Araquia being perceived as a threat. Consequently, they were hunted and nearly exterminated, reducing their population to a mere 1,500. Eventually, an understanding was reached, and the Araquia assumed the role of overlords and protectors of Kirtania's forests. The economic advantages stemming from the planet's proximity to a well-traveled trade route stimulated industrial expansion. Soon, the Araquia's knowledge of native plants enabled them to develop medicines that effectively treated several diseases. One Araquia, Doctor T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia, collaborated with the renowned Ho'Din pharmacologist Sirta Kum to create a cure for the Direllian Plague.

By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the competitive nature of the three economic states had begun to deplete Kirtania's natural resources, as each state strived to surpass the others. The demand for luxury hardwoods, in particular, posed a threat to the tropical jungles and forests.

Seeking to solidify its dominance in Kirtania's economy, the state of Kinkosa formed an alliance with the Galactic Empire. In exchange for preferential trading status over the other two states and the modernization of Kinkosa City, Kinkosa agreed to cede a large area of its territory to the Empire for use as a supply station. An Imperial-class Star Destroyer was stationed to patrol Kirtania, and Imperial Customs took over the inspection of all incoming vessels. Doctor Kith'Araquia attempted to dissuade the Empire from their plans through logical arguments. When this failed, he tried to enact legislation to halt the Empire's activities. The Empire labeled him a Rebel sympathizer and prepared to arrest him, but Kith'Araquia received a warning. He and his tribesmen retreated into the rain forest to prepare for war.

During the Galactic Civil War, a group of Rebels operating from an outpost on the second moon of Tiragga arrived on Kirtania.

