Kishh'tih Airspeeder

The Kishh'tih airspeeder represented a civilian airspeeder design produced by Bakur RepulsorCorp. This vehicle, measuring six meters in length, offered seating for four individuals, provided a cargo capacity of 100 kilograms, possessed the ability to ascend to heights of 100 meters, and was capable of attaining speeds of up to 360 kilometers per hour.


The Kishh'tih was characterized as a compact, economical, and somewhat weak, yet dependable airspeeder. Its primary purpose was recreational use during favorable weather conditions, lacking both weaponry and protective armor. Not long after the Battle of Endor, Han Solo and Princess Leia commandeered this specific airspeeder model following their escape from Governor Nereus's secluded mountain residence situated near Salis D'aar on Bakura.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook

Notes and references
