Kissek Doran, a male Human from Alderaan, worked as a freighter pilot and was the father of Kell Tainer, who became a pilot in Wraith Squadron. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, he became a member of the Tierfon Yellow Aces, alongside Wes Janson and Jek Tono Porkins.
During a Yellow Aces mission involving an ambush of a convoy, Doran's fear got the better of him. He attempted to escape when the convoy showed up with a larger armed escort than they had expected. The Yellow Aces' commander instructed Porkins and Janson to either force Doran back into formation or eliminate him, fearing his flight would compromise their location. Porkins and Janson tried to get Doran to return to formation, but they were unsuccessful in their attempts.
Tragically, Janson was compelled to fire upon Doran using the twin laser cannons of his Y-wing's, as using ion cannons risked revealing their position. His shots struck Doran's cockpit, causing it to crack and vent oxygen into the vacuum of space. Doran perished, a fate that might have been avoided had his makeshift flight suit been in better condition.
Although Janson was officially exonerated of any wrongdoing, Doran's family held him responsible for the death and what they saw as the tarnishing of their family's reputation. Doran's son, Kell, joined New Republic Starfighter Command to restore their honor. He was assigned to Wraith Squadron, where, coincidentally, Janson was the second-in-command. Despite their initial animosity, Kell eventually came to terms with Janson and served with distinction.