
The Kler'terrians, a sentient species, originated from the Kler'terria system, which is a star system situated within the Core Worlds. A distinctive feature of the Kler'terrians was their possession of four independently movable arms. Furthermore, they had three eyestalks located on the top of their heads, positioned at equal distances from one another. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, a Kler'terrian named Gor'telp held the position of bartender at Shilley's, a drinking establishment located on the planet Questal.

Biology and appearance

Possessing three flexible eyestalks that were equally spaced on the top of their heads defined the sentient species known as the Kler'terrians. These eyestalks could function separately, which granted the species a 360-degree field of vision. Kler'terrians had prominent mouths, and two canines extended from the lower jaw. The species also possessed four arms, with the second set of shoulders directly beneath the first. These arms concluded in hands that had three fingers and a thumb that was opposable, allowing Kler'terrians to comfortably handle four separate tasks at once. The Kler'terrian named Gor'telp had a noticeable belly.


The Kler'terria system, a star system in the southwestern section of the Core Worlds, was the original home of the Kler'terrians. In the time of the Galactic Civil War, Gor'telp, a Kler'terrian, was employed as a bartender at Shilley's, a shady cantina on the planet Questal. Beyond pouring alcohol, Gor'telp carefully observed the goings-on inside the cantina. While his first move when expecting issues from a patron was to summon Snufftalon, the Wookiee bouncer, Gor'telp also kept three blasters — set to stun — hidden along the bar. Gor'telp was on duty when agents from the Alliance to Restore the Republic visited the establishment on Questal while searching for the missing Rebel operative Tay Vanis.

Behind the scenes

Robert Kern conceived the Kler'terrians for The Game Chambers of Questal, a roleplaying adventure. West End Games published it as a standalone paperback in 1990, and as part of Classic Adventures: Volume Five in 1995. Andrew Bates and Ramón Pérez provided the illustrations of Gor'telp, the Kler'terrian.

