
The Kluuzot represented a species of sentient lemuroid beings. They were native inhabitants of the world known as Krann.

Biology and appearance

Under the red sun of their home planet, Kluuzot exhibited muted, unremarkable coloration. However, their fur displayed a near-fluorescent quality when exposed to white light. Their amber eyes possessed a luminous quality and were highly susceptible to bright illumination. As mammals, they reproduced through live birth.

Society and culture

Kluuzot organized themselves into large, extended family units. All members of the family participated in the upbringing of the young, who remained dependent for their first five years. Their religious beliefs centered around animism, with a focus on the veneration of forest spirits.

A Kluuzot


The Kluuzot originally existed within a feudal societal structure, with various kingdoms engaging in conflicts over resources and riches. This period of internal strife concluded with the arrival of the Empire on Krann. The Empire subjugated the Kluuzot, forcing them into enslavement within Imperial mining operations. Their civilization was essentially destroyed, with the majority forced into mining camps. A number of Kluuzot successfully fled and initiated a guerilla resistance against the Imperial forces.

