
Kostra was a celestial object of the Mid Rim region of space, found within the Romintine sector. The Galactic Empire launched an attack against it during the Galactic Civil War, achieving victory over the Rebel Alliance forces stationed there. During this conflict, Fulkrehm Protial, a pilot flying a Rebel starfighter, was forced to make an emergency landing on Kostra. The crash resulted in his exposure to trosilon nerve gas, which caused lasting damage to his motor skills that the planet's inhabitants could not fully remedy.


Kostra was a planet located within the Kostra system. This system resided within the Romintine sector, which itself was situated in the Trans-Hydian portion of the Mid Rim.


Fulkrehm Protial was injured as a result of crash-landing on Kostra.

The Galactic Empire's forces initiated an attack on Kostra sometime between 2 BBY and 0 BBY. This was part of their campaign to suppress the activities of their adversaries, namely the Rebel Alliance, during the Galactic Civil War. During this battle, which the Empire won, Fulkrehm Protial, an Alliance pilot flying a Y-wing starfighter, was compelled to crash his craft on Kostra. Subsequently, he was exposed to a lethal quantity of the trosilon nerve gas deployed by the Empire.

The native population of Kostra rescued Protial from the wreckage of his starfighter and provided medical assistance. However, their medical capabilities were insufficient to facilitate a complete recovery, leaving the pilot with permanent impairments to his motor control. Sometime around the period following the Battle of Yavin, Alliance General Airen Cracken referenced Kostra within a datafile entry dedicated to Protial, which cataloged various Rebel operatives.

Behind the scenes

Chuck Truett conceived of Kostra, which made its debut in Cracken's Rebel Operatives. This sourcebook, published by West End Games in 1994 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, provided details about the planet. The reference book The Essential Atlas, released in 2009, located the Kostra system, and consequently Kostra itself, within grid square Q-8.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Atlas

Notes and references
