Kothlis shadowport

The Kothlis shadowport functioned as a shadowport. It was situated on the second moon orbiting the planet Kothlis, offering limited starport services to both smugglers and pirates. The former pirate Rithgar oversaw its administration and maintenance.

Available facilities

Freighters and starfighters could land in the docking bays, which were essentially a collection of craters that had been excavated, expanded, and reinforced. Near the crater rims, storage bunkers held electromagnetic countermeasure camo-netting that could be used to conceal the contents of the craters. A network of tunnels connected the crater bays, linking surface entrances with underground chambers.

Larger vessels, such as bulk freighters and pirate corvettes, were required to land in nearby clearings, outside the security perimeter of the craters.

While docking was free, Rithgar expected visiting crews to contribute a fair share of supplies and any available starship parts. Abandoned and scrapped ships were available for salvage to those willing to purchase the rights.

Several excavated and furnished caves were available for visiting smugglers to use at no cost. One particular cavern served as Rithgar's private quarters, containing plunder acquired during his pirating career. A makeshift bar was created from a stack of well-stocked crates. Rithgar's chambers also connected to a small command area that housed the controls for the base reactor, sensor suite, and communications systems.

The only defensive measures at the shadowport were a series of outdated sensor pods positioned around the perimeter.


Prior to the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Bothan Militia used the second moon of Kothlis as a military training area and ordnance testing site. The craters resulting from turbolaser fire and proton torpedo detonations provided smugglers and pirates with a convenient, somewhat protected, and isolated location to dock their starships on the abandoned moon.

The shadowport was abandoned in 3 ABY when a Super-class Star Destroyer appeared in the vicinity.

