Kritz Drassarb

Kritz Drassarb was a Jedi Order member during the Galactic Republic's later period. He was the apprentice of Vhiin Thorla, a Twi'lek Jedi Master, and met his end in 23 BBY. He and Thorla were investigating pirates in the Mid Rim when he was killed.


During the final years of the Galactic Republic, Kritz Drassarb was born and later became a member of the Jedi Order. After his initiation as a Padawan, Kritz Drassarb underwent training with Vhiin Thorla, the Twi'lek Jedi Master. In 23 BBY, the Jedi Council dispatched Drassarb and Thorla to investigate a pirate group's activities in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. The pair confronted the pirates, and two months later, the pirate group had been defeated, but Drassarb had died.

Although the Jedi Council did not hold Thorla responsible for Drassarb's demise, the Twi'lek felt responsible nonetheless. He went back to Ryloth, his homeworld planet, and contemplated how he might have saved Drassarb. Soon after, Thorla discovered a new calling and started saving Twi'leks who had been taken by enslavers. Because he still felt guilty about Drassarb's passing, he founded a settlement on Ryloth to serve as a haven for those who had been freed from slavery, and he was extremely protective of the settlement's residents.

Behind the scenes

Lee Pickler first mentioned Drassarb in Twi'light Storm, an adventure within the Living Force campaign, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. However, Twi'light Storm only referred to the character as "Thorla's Padawan," and the name Kritz Drassarb was not given to the character until the role-playing supplement Echoes of the Jedi mentioned the Padawan in 2008. Neither of these sources specified Drassarb's species or gender.

In Twi'light Storm, Devan For'deschel, a Jedi Master, can tell the player characters about Drassarb's death if they inquire about Thorla's presence on Ryloth.

