Kur Ha'rangir

Kur Ha'rangir was a Mandalorian chieftain of Clan Ha'rangir, and a Human male. This character was the nemesis of Lane Vizla. Following the Showdown on Ruhnuk, he spearheaded the surviving members of the Hidden Chain on Ruhnuk, with the goal of discovering Basilisk war droids buried there.

Behind the scenes

In a pivotal moment, Kur menaces the Basilisk droids with destruction as he tries to escape. At this point, players must choose whether to disarm the explosives or chase after Kur. This decision does not affect light side/dark side alignment. If the player chooses to disarm the bombs, the droids are saved, but Kur gets away. Conversely, chasing Kur results in the lab's destruction, obliterating the Basilisk droids, and leaving Kur wounded just outside the entrance, making him an easy target for elimination.

