Kurline (Quarren)

Kurline held the position of shipping manager for the Quarren and also served as the administrator for the Sailor's Union Landing Union chapter around the year 29 BBY.


Around 29 BBY, the Sailor's Union was a powerful organization located on the planet Lamaredd. The headquarters of the Union, situated in Farsands, which is the capital city of Little Mon Cal, was overseen by Kurline, a shrewd shipping manager and a member of the Quarren species.

Due to his advocacy for sailors' rights, Kurline enjoyed considerable popularity and support. He made himself available to meet with Union members upon request and occasionally conducted interviews with individuals seeking membership. On occasion, Kurline would take bribes.

Personality and traits

Kurline possessed extensive knowledge concerning both the Union and the planet Lamaredd. He demonstrated proficiency in Chagri, Galactic Basic Standard, Mon Calamarian, and Quarrenese.

Kurline had an affinity for luxurious attire. He typically carried a comlink, a credstick, and a datapad. His preferred weapons included a knife and a concealed slugthrower.

