Laknym was a Chiss male belonging to the Xodlak family. As a member of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, he achieved the military rank of Lieutenant Commander. He was a plasma sphere specialist serving on the Springhawk, a heavy cruiser under the command of Senior Captain Thrawn.
Prior to a mission on Rapacc, Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), who was a Senior Captain, inquired of Lieutenant Commander Laknym, the plasma sphere specialist, whether he felt confident in managing the weapon systems from the Springhawk's backup control station. Laknym voiced his uncertainty, but Chaf'pri'uhme (Afpriuh), the Springhawk's primary weapons officer, vouched for Laknym's competence. Consequently, Thrawn instructed Laknym to proceed to the secondary command center and take control of the weapons.
During a subsequent mission to the planet Sunrise, Laknym was, for the second time, assigned to oversee the weapons systems from the secondary command post. In a discussion with Mitth'ali'astov (Thalias), the Springhawk's caregiver, Laknym commented that this opportunity indicated potential advancement for someone of his Lieutenant Commander status (a rank frequently assigned to officers with limited prospects for future career progression).