Lariss held the rank of major within the Imperial forces.
Major Lariss dedicated his career to the Imperial military, with a specialty in rapidly seizing control of local planetary governments. Following the Battle of Yavin, Lariss received orders to subdue the planet of Virujansi and determine the fate of the ruling Rajah and his Royal Court, with options including house arrest, banishment to the prison moon known as Captivity, or execution. Unbeknownst to Lariss, the Alliance to Restore the Republic had warned the Rajah and his Court, who were then replaced by an Alliance team intending to be sent to Captivity to execute a rescue mission for imprisoned senators and political prisoners. Lariss unknowingly assisted their plan when they successfully provoked him into exiling them.
Lariss was self-conscious about his physical appearance, particularly his prominent nose. Alliance operatives who knew the Major often referred to him by nicknames like "Major Nose" or "hangar nose," information that reached Lariss and greatly angered him. He was a stern and efficient officer, holding the local populations he was tasked with subduing in low regard. Despite possessing only a basic understanding of the worlds he conquered, Lariss considered himself an expert on them.
Lariss carried a standard-issue blaster pistol for ranged combat, and also possessed an Iajik whip, a trophy obtained during a previous military campaign.