
LC-Zed represented a preliminary design of the LC "hunting droid", serving as an antecedent to the more advanced Eliminator 434-series assassin droid.


The physical form of LC-Zed bore a resemblance to insectoid creatures. Its locomotion was achieved through a repulsor-ball carriage, exhibiting similarities to the movement of a droideka. Notably, LC-Zed lacked a vocabulator, rendering it unable to produce spoken language.


There was an incident where LC-Zed malfunctioned, resulting in the death of its owner. To compound matters during its flight, the LC "hunting droid" also eliminated three law enforcement officials, a portmaster, and absconded with the governor's shuttle. While the Abbaji System Constables were in pursuit, searching the Spar sector, LC-Zed sought temporary sanctuary on Sarafur, situated within the adjacent Moddell sector. Due to minor damage sustained by its shuttle, LC-Zed began a search to acquire a replacement hyperdrive motivator along with laser cannon energy coils.

