
The inhabitants of the planet Lianna, a world predominantly populated by Humans, were known as the Liann. Their reputation largely stemmed from their proficiency in starship design, given Lianna's status as the home of Santhe/Sienar Technologies, a major starship manufacturer in the galaxy. Liann Humans generally possessed a stature that was below the average height observed across the galaxy.

Society and culture

While sharing ethnic similarities with other inhabitants of the Allied Tion sector, the Liann were often perceived as more arrogant than many other Human cultures. However, the Liann typically preferred to view themselves as resilient, astute, and resourceful, while also embracing pleasure and success. Liann architecture and fashion heavily emphasized ornamentation and vibrant colors in most aspects of design, a characteristic that many off-worlders found somewhat ostentatious, and also interpreted as a display of their arrogance. Due to the urbanized lifestyle and environmental degradation prevalent on Lianna, extravagance was considered the ultimate status symbol in Liann society. The residences of the affluent on Lianna were replete with diverse plants, trees, and animals, alongside irregular stone flooring and flourishing gardens filled with flora absent from Lianna's natural environment.

Politics permeated daily life for the Liann, with widespread involvement across the population. This was primarily because most individuals were economically connected, often through direct employment, to one of the numerous starship manufacturers that governed the planet. One of the regulations enacted by these corporations and strictly enforced by the Liann was a stringent prohibition on weapons for all off-world visitors. Conversely, the Liann were known for consistently carrying weapons, even within their homes or workplaces, despite Lianna's relative tranquility as a planet, owing to its citizens' neutrality during the Galactic Civil War.

Given the scarcity of native flora and fauna, Liann society relied almost entirely on importing food from other planets. Consequently, fresh food was a rarity on Lianna, and most dishes were heavily seasoned with spices and additives. The limited food production on Lianna was typically characterized as robust but of inferior quality. This combination of reconstituted and substandard food further reinforced the perception among off-worlders that the Liann possessed questionable taste.

Beyond these distinctions, the Liann operated much like other Human societies. As expected on a planet governed by corporations, business held significant importance on Lianna, but Liann culture also emphasized social interaction, with numerous clubs and bars present in every city.


During the era of the Galactic Republic, Lianna functioned as an independent world with diverse cultures and religions. Liann society felt minimal obligation to adhere to Galactic Republic law or policy during that period. As a traditional territory of the Republic, the Senate largely ignored the issues faced by the Liann. Eventually, however, Lianna was incorporated into the Kingdom of Barseg. Under Barsegian rule, the Liann population experienced a substantial decline due to disease and cultural assimilation. Many Liann were forcibly relocated to serve as manual laborers throughout the Kingdom.

Around the year 300 BBY, the plight of the Liann people came to the attention of policymakers on Coruscant, leading the Senate to place Lianna under its direct governance.

Approximately 99 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, control of Lianna was transferred to the Sienar megacorporation, a prominent entity in the galactic starship manufacturing sector. Kerred Santhe the Elder, a wealthy industrialist native to Lianna, acquired a controlling stake in the company shortly after Sienar assumed control of the planet, compelling Sienar to relocate its headquarters to Lianna and rename the company Santhe/Sienar Technologies.

Initially, the company held absolute power on Lianna, employing a significant portion of the Liann population. However, its influence had diminished by the Imperial era, allowing other corporations to exert influence on the planet's administration. Emperor Palpatine maintained a strong military presence on the planet to ensure Lianna's allegiance to the New Order.

