LightStealth-18 Reconnaissance Ship

A six-passenger vehicle, colored carbon-black, featuring a needle-shaped fuselage coupled with stabilizers that sloped downwards in a manner that seemed out of proportion, the LightStealth-18 Reconnaissance Ship, often abbreviated as LSR, represented the pinnacle of achievement in creating a starship able to conceal its presence, even while actively engaged in scanning operations.

In contrast to the typical designs originating from Raith Sienar, Imperial Section 19 or Warthan's Wizards during the era of the Galactic Empire, the LSR didn't rely on cloaking technology. Instead, its design prioritized silent operation and exceptional velocity. Equipped with numerous low-profile rectennae and a suite of signal-boosting sensor jammers, blind-band hypercomm transmitters, crystal gravfield traps, along with a power core more appropriately sized for a capital ship, the LSR possessed the capability to observe almost all of the universe behind it, and could outpace almost any vessel capable of detecting it. It is equipped with a class 1 hyperdrive. For defensive purposes, it also featured a laser cannon mounted at the front.

Despite being conceived by Raith Sienar, the LightStealth-18 Reconnaissance ship was manufactured, somewhat unusually, predominantly by Kuat Drive Yards.

