Lik Ankkit

Lik Ankkit was a Neimoidian of the male persuasion. He resided in a villa situated on the planet known as Qiilura, and from this location, he oversaw the creation of barq and other high-end food items. He took advantage of the impoverished farmers who were unable to purchase the very food they cultivated.

At the onset of the Clone Wars, Ankkit engaged the services of Ghez Hokan, a Mandalorian, to maintain his control over the farmers. Hokan held Ankkit in contempt, viewing him as a "feeble and extravagant merchant."

When the Mandalorian was assigned leadership of a small contingent of battle droids for the purpose of guarding a crucial facility, he commandeered Ankkit's villa as a temporary holding location for some of his droids. Ankkit found the destruction of his artifacts and the marring of his floors by the droids to be extremely irritating.

Behind the scenes

Ankkit made an appearance in the 2004 novel titled Republic Commando: Hard Contact, penned by Karen Traviss. Following the publication of the novel, Traviss revealed that she intentionally left Lik Ankkit's fate ambiguous, neither confirming nor denying his death within the story. She also mentioned that, according to her personal notes, she envisioned him escaping to recover from his financial losses.

