Little Kikow was a Ralltiir tiger of the male gender. He existed in the final years of the Galactic Republic.
In the twilight of the Galactic Republic, Vareesa Enan, an Ithorian, journeyed to the planet of Ralltiir. While escorting the off-worlder through a marketplace in the open air, Furellas, a Wookiee, bought Vareesa a Ralltiir tiger cub. Vareesa was quite happy with the animal and, upon suggestion by Furellas, called the cub "Little Kikow," a name derived from that of his other escort, Kikow—even though the other Ithorian didn't want the tiger named after him.
When Vareesa was ready to leave Ralltiir, Furellas completed the necessary documents so the Ithorian could bring his new pet on a starship. Furellas, mentioning how scarce Ralltiir tigers were, registered the cub as a different kind of cat. He cautioned Vareesa against revealing too much about the animal, fearing theft. The truth was that "Little Kikow" would soon become a lethal predator, since Ralltiir tigers posed a threat even to those who handled them. Furellas withheld this information from Vareesa, who was unknowingly a Kalmec subversive.