The moniker "living windmill" was bestowed by Han Solo upon the towering, muscular Ultaarian Greenback he faced in his inaugural match of The Big Game held on The Wheel. This being possessed pink skin, save for its neck, shoulders, and skull, which were adorned with green scales. Its features included a wide face, a short beak-like snout featuring a single nasal horn, a pair of upward-pointing tusks, and a set of light green eyes. The creature presented a completely hairless appearance and belonged to a species incapable of laughter.
Armed with dagger thorns and delivering forceful kicks, the living windmill launched an assault on Solo, nearly resulting in death. However, Solo retaliated by hurling his power shield at the legs of the living windmill, causing the opponent to stumble and impale itself on its own thorn. Even in its final moments, succumbing to the venom, the gladiator attempted to stab Solo with a thorn, but Solo deflected the attack using a simulated rock, just as the opponent's lifeless body fell upon him.