Locura OceanCanonLegendsInfinitiesThe Locura Ocean represented an ocean found on the planet called Garos IV. The settlement of Zila could be found along its coastline.AppearancesTurning Point — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5 (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Whispers in the Dark — Star Wars Adventure Journal 2 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (First appearance) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Mission to Zila — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Shadows of Darkness — Star Wars Adventure Journal 4 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Betrayal by Knight — Star Wars Adventure Journal 12 (also reprinted in Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown