Lowland Clans


The **Lowland Clans** constituted one faction of the [S'kytri](/article/s%27kytri) clans that held dominion over the [planet](/article/planet/legends) of [Skye](/article/skye/legends). The Lowlanders, along with the [Highlanders](/article/highland_clans), comprised approximately two-thirds of Skye's total inhabitants. These clans resided within the [Lowlands](/article/lowlands_(skye)) area of Skye, establishing their homes in fortified cities and strongholds atop mountains. The Lowland and Highland Clans alternated in the governance of Skye, selecting a representative from their respective groups to hold the position of [Patriarch](/article/patriarch_(skye)) every forty-two years through a voting process. In times long before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars/legends), the Lowland Clans utilized the [Outland Clans](/article/outland_clan) as [indentured servants](/article/slavery/legends). The Outlanders labored as serfs for the Lowlanders until a time when all clans achieved self-governance and coexisted in a state of comparative tranquility and economic reliance. As the Clone Wars started, [Zeta Magnus](/article/zeta_magnus), a deranged [genetic](/article/geneticist/legends) [terrorist](/article/terrorist/legends), came to Skye and converted the Outlanders into an army of [mutant](/article/mutant) warriors, inciting them to war against the other clans. The Lowland Clans, who relied on the Outland Clans for their farming output, began to deteriorate due to starvation and attacks from the Outlanders. A group of [Jedi](/article/jedi_order/legends) then came to liberate Skye from Zeta Magnus, and the Highland and Lowland Clans joined forces to expel the threat from their world. The [battle](/article/battle_of_skye) that followed saw the Lowlanders suffer an immense amount of losses.

