Ludos, denizens of Ganlihk, a forested planet, were beings that made their homes in the trees near rivers and marshy areas.
Their anatomy consisted of spherical bodies encircled by a multitude of tentacles. These tentacles were equipped with numerous suckers and terminated in a pair of "fingers." These flexible appendages were used to filter through the mud and water, capturing small fish and other small creatures, while on land, they were used to climb trees and find fruit. Ludos generally passed the daylight hours resting in the high branches of trees and descended at dawn to hunt for fish or consume the scraps left behind by larger hunters.
Aside from sizable carnivorous fish and Ganlihk rippers, ludos had few predators in their natural environment. Their primary method of defense against potential threats was their inherent bio-luminescent capability. When feeling threatened, ludos would attempt to frighten away predators by emitting a flash of intense light, which could range from red to white. They would also attempt to disorient predators by feigning death, ceasing their luminescence, and changing to a dark black color.
Ludos also engaged in communication using a complex array of chirping and whistling sounds. Many humanoids found these sounds to be calming. One of the earliest people to discover these singing creatures was a young colonist named Jasten Merew, who befriended one of them. Legend has it that when he and his family expressed their appreciation for the ludos' music, Jasten's companion emitted an exceptionally radiant red glow.
Some of Ganlihk's colonists began to keep ludos as domesticated animals. They were particularly well-liked because of their gentle nature and their ability to glow. Hikers frequently carried ludos on their backs as they traveled through Ganlihk's woodlands. The ludos' light served as a deterrent to predators and enabled hiking groups to maintain visual contact with one another.