Luire Accord

The Luire Accord represents a formal resolution enacted by the Galactic Senate during the year 30 BBY.

The Decree

This resolution came about as a measure intended to resolve the conflicts present on the planet of Nyriaan. These conflicts were between the indigenous Nyriaanans and several mining companies operating there. The Luire Accord partitioned Nyriaan into distinct zones, allocating governance of these zones to different entities according to their political influence and financial resources. Furthermore, the settlement of Locus was also sectioned into multiple districts, and the [Nyriaan Concord], a planetary administration, was formed. In an effort to satisfy the Nyriaanans and environmental advocates, the resolution designated certain protected areas, with the intention of maintaining the planet's environmental integrity.

In the aftermath of this resolution, the original Nyriaanan tribes retreated to the uncharted areas of the planet.


  • Galaxy of Intrigue
