Mace Windu and Other Users of the Force

title: Mace Windu and Other Force Users

This book, "Mace Windu and Other Force Users," is a part of the Star Wars Encyclopedia collection of reference materials from De Agostini. Its release date was September 14, 2021.

Overview from the Publisher

The Jedi Order, established to maintain galactic peace and justice through non-violent methods, occasionally needed to adopt a more combative stance. A prime example is the Clone Wars, during which numerous Jedi were assigned as generals to command clone forces, presenting them with ethical challenges. This situation particularly affected Mace Windu, a Jedi Council member at the time. He was unable to predict the impending devastating war or identify the true orchestrator of events. Despite his wisdom and lightsaber prowess, Windu perished before the implementation of Order 66. Only a small number of fortunate Jedi managed to survive, concealing themselves from the vigilant Empire. Among these survivors was Caleb Dume, who later adopted the name Kanan Jarrus and became a significant figure in the Rebellion's formative years.

