Macrobinoculars constituted a form of electrobinoculars that enabled a person to observe objects at a significant distance.

Macrobinoculars, which are electronic viewing instruments, facilitated long-range observation, also supplying supplementary data regarding the distance and height of the target being viewed. The heads-up display showed some information, such as range and zoom level. Certain versions included optics with a recording function, enabling users to choose images for storage, although macrobinoculars lacked the processing capabilities of electrobinoculars for image enhancement. The MB450 macrobinoculars were also functional during nighttime. Unlike other magnifying instruments like monoculars and telescopes, macrobinoculars generated three-dimensional visuals.
Macrobinoculars were frequently used by farmers, hunters, and less technologically advanced military forces.
Gungans utilized Farseein binoculars, which featured a handle, oil magnifier lenses, and knobs for adjusting focus.
Members of the Jedi Order carried smaller macrobinoculars on missions. These compact Jedi macrobinoculars were designed to fit within their Jedi utility belts.
Luke Skywalker possessed a set of macrobinoculars on Tatooine, employing them to survey the Lars homestead's surroundings for potential threats. After Skywalker told him about seeing a battle overhead, Biggs Darklighter used Skywalker's macrobinoculars to look at the skies above Tatooine. Darklighter was doubtful, and only saw two starships there.

Macrobinoculars initially appeared in the 1977 movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which was the first film in the Star Wars original trilogy.
During the production of the television series Obi-Wan Kenobi, the prop department created a macrobinocular prop that was featured in the show.
Macrobinoculars were implemented into the 2023 video game LEGO Fortnite Odyssey in the game's v29.40 update on May 3, 2024. They are initially obtained when the player interacts with the Rebel Captain Bravara for the first time. After discovering plastoid, players can unlock the crafting recipe for macrobinoculars and then craft them at the Rebel Workbench using four plastoid, two glass, one basic compass, and one power cell. Macrobinoculars can be used to find encampments and caves belonging to both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.