
The beings known as Maelibi (singular: Maelibus) originated on the planet Iego. Those who encountered them referred to them as Demons. Their subterranean existence near the planetary core resulted in them being less renowned than the Diathim, and they rarely ventured off-world.

Biology and appearance

They bore a resemblance to the Diathim, but lacked wings. Their humanoid bodies appeared to be composed of solidified molten gold. Their demonic appearance was enhanced by natural claws, incredibly sharp teeth, and horns.

The Maelibi were skilled at burrowing, utilizing their great power, speed, and claws to rapidly tunnel through the dense earth, creating extensive underground networks. Their powerful non-visual senses allowed them to thrive in the darkness, and they could sing within these tunnels. The pitches of their vocalizations were specifically designed to disrupt brainwaves, inducing a hypnotic state and confusion in even the most resolute sentients. It was said that their voices were the purest form of music, and no one could resist their alluring call. Once their prey was within range, the Maelibi would burst from the ground and drag their screaming victims back beneath the [planet](/article/planet-legends]'s surface, where they would be devoured alive.

The hide of a Maelibus was remarkably resilient, incredibly strong, and reflective, causing [blaster](/article/blaster-legends] fire and concentrated energy to bounce off harmlessly. They were also capable of surviving in the vacuum of space. These traits, combined with their horns, claws, teeth, and skin as hard as [iron](/article/iron-legends], established them as powerful foes and figures of legend.


  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Drawing from the Imagination: Mythological Creatures in Star Wars, Part 2 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
