The Gonster is pictured here, displaying the newly crafted magic cap. The magic cap was a unique piece of apparel fashioned by the Two-headed Gonster. Its purpose was to subdue the Raich, a destructive entity dwelling in the forest. The cap's construction involved various animal components, notably the skin of a wank and the auricles of a dorg. However, the precise components utilized in the original cap's creation remained a point of contention within the two-headed Gonster's mind. Regardless, the cap possessed the extraordinary ability to transform the Raich into a benign tree upon being placed upon its cranium.
Nevertheless, the cap's enchantment required the addition of at least a single handful of sparkleseeds. These were provided by the Gonster to the Ewok tribe under his care. Ultimately, the Ewoks succeeded in placing the headwear on the Raich, bringing a temporary halt to its destructive rampage. Regrettably, the Ewok named Wicket Wystri Warrick later removed the magic cap, thereby reviving the creature. The Raich then managed to seize the hat and obliterate it, preventing future imprisonment.
Wicket, together with his companions Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Latara, and Teebo, were compelled to revisit the Gonster to request the creation of a replacement cap. He eventually consented, but not before reprimanding Wicket for his role in the Raich's release. Wicket and Kneesaa accepted a task to induce slumber in the Raich utilizing Dreamflower Potion, while Teebo and Latara remained to assist the Gonster in crafting the new head covering. Upon the cap's completion, the two young Ewoks rejoined Wicket and Kneesaa to place the cap upon the Raich's head. After an initial oversight regarding the sparkleseeds, Teebo eventually added the handfuls of the seeds. Subsequently, Wicket successfully placed the cap back onto the Raich, resolving the crisis.