Yuuzhan Vong capital ships frequently employed magma missiles, which were a type of guided ordnance.
These magma missiles presented a stony exterior, likely composed of hardened magma, and were launched from specialized missile systems called rock spitters. Similar to the concussion missiles utilized by the Imperial Navy and the New Republic Defense Force, magma missiles could execute arcing trajectories to strike targets outside the direct line of sight of the launching platform.
The appearance and functionality of magma missiles differed significantly from the molten projectiles discharged by plasma cannons. Plasma cannon projectiles were unguided, direct-fire artillery rounds, serving as the Yuuzhan Vong counterpart to turbolaser weaponry. Despite these differences, rock spitters were commonly integrated with plasma cannons in combined weapon emplacements on Yuuzhan Vong warships.
The New Jedi Order: Star by Star and The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way clearly establish that the Yuuzhan Vong had a distinct guided missile system. However, the differentiation between the plasma cannon and the magma missile has become unclear in certain other sources. Consequently, it remains uncertain whether the rock spitter should be categorized alongside the plasma cannon as a type of Yaret-Kor.