Malare was a Twi'lek of the female persuasion, and she once held the position of governess for Bastila Shan prior to Shan's placement with the Jedi Order in her youth. Years afterward, Shan and Malare crossed paths once more. This occurred while the Jedi was journeying with Revan, the former Sith Lord suffering from amnesia, as they sought out the Star Maps. During their subsequent discussion, Malare conveyed to Bastila that her mother, Helena, was not well and that she was trying to find her daughter. Upon inquiry, the Twi'lek revealed to the group that the elder Shan was awaiting them in Anchorhead, located on Tatooine, the desert world.
Similar to a number of the optional side quest characters, Malare's appearance is triggered randomly on a planet the player visits after certain game events occur. Specifically, Bastila Shan must have told the player about her family, and the player must arrive at a spaceport with Shan in the party. Should their encounter take place directly on Tatooine, Malare will only say that Helena Shan is present and waiting there.