
These seasoned malelings acted as protectors for Queen Zalem.

Maleling was a derogatory term used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir to describe male individuals. On the witches' planet, a strict matriarchal system relegated males to the roles of slaves and for breeding purposes.

How the Term Was Used

Within the culture of the Nightsisters witches, males were exploited as slaves or for mating, hence the designation "breeder." These breeders were often healthy Humans (or Near-Humans), while aliens were frequently reduced to "labor units." Typically, malelings were kept confined by proximity shields. After mating, breeders were often killed, although this was not always the case.

The more compassionate Witches of Dathomir employed less demeaning, yet still pragmatic terms like "males" or "mates" when referring to men. They still treated them as property and servants. For instance, if a witch from one clan stole a male slave from another to become her husband, it was deemed inappropriate for the original owner to attempt to reclaim him. However, male servants could earn their freedom by saving the life of a clan sister. "Male witches" or "male spellcasters" were considered highly valuable.

Historical Information

In 31 BBY, Quinlan Vos, a Kiffar and Jedi Knight, was captured by the Nightsisters. Initially, the Sisters saw him as mere "chain-gang material," but some, including Yongti, were interested in mating with him. Queen Zalem, the leader of the Nightsisters, offered Vos a position as one of her personal bodyguards, which suggested intimate relations. When he hesitated, Zalem withdrew the offer and instead made him a Lizard Keeper.

After Queen Zalem's defeat, Talzin, the Shaman of the Nightsisters, consolidated the covens under her leadership, limiting the use of males to the Dathomirian Zabrak known as the Nightbrothers. Years later, in 8 ABY, Teneniel Djo captured Isolder, a Prince of Hapes, and the Jedi Luke Skywalker. Sensing Skywalker's strong connection to the Force, she intended to have his children.

