Viscount Malreaux, a nobleman hailing from Vjun, was wedded to Whirry Malreaux, with whom he fathered two sons, one of whom became the Jedi Padawan known as Whie Malreaux.
The year 29 BBY marked a turning point, as the inhabitants of Vjun succumbed to insanity as a result of his midi-chlorians experiments. This widespread madness and paranoia led to a mass outbreak of violence, with the entire planet's population turning on each other in a murderous frenzy. The Viscount, himself affected by this delusion, installed a sophisticated security network within his residence. Even with these precautions, he still felt the need to isolate himself, seeking refuge from perceived threats. Ultimately, he chose to live within the ventilation shafts of the Malreaux family estate.
His final recorded appearance occurred when security cameras, part of his own surveillance system, captured him entering the kitchen to pilfer food. The discovery of his corpse was eventually triggered by the emanating odor.